If you are Visioning a transformation in your business (and flow of fortunes) in 2025 then please read on . . .
Over the coming months, together let us harness the rising tide of new growth brought in by the energy of Spring and combine our focus of intention on setting ourselves a magnificent, expansive, future trajectory, as well as creating precious new gifts for the world.
You are a heart-centred creator, business owner or entrepreneur, already in great service to others, who would appreciate more clarity, inspiration and practical guidance as you open into the next level of your business and personal transformation. And, especially, to gain inspiration on new ways to be highly valued in terms of flow of material realm wealth for all the gifts you offer.
This new 90-day intensive is a combination of monthly One-to-One mentoring with me, Rachel Elnaugh-LOVE, designed to give you crystal clear clarity as well as sustained focus, together with group support via 13 weekly online Zoom meetings, plus an online Telegram group, enabling you to get to know the other participants, so we can assist one another on our journey.
I know from previous groups that many co-creative collaborations as well as strong friendships have been formed via the beautiful souls I bring together.
I will also give you as much practical input as I can, in the form of introductions to my contacts, as well as promotion to my followers, where appropriate.

In my experience it is essential to have strong support systems in place to keep motivation going in any endeavour, hence why I love running mentoring programmes. There is nothing more magical than being part of a mandala of like-hearted, non-judgemental souls who are there to encourage and cheer one another on.
This is also why I ask every participant to wholeheartedly commit to the entire duration of the 90 days. As success in business (and every other venture/relationship) requires us to move from ‘firework’ energy (massive initial enthusiasm which quickly fizzles out) to ‘marathon runner’ energy; the ability to keep going no matter what, knowing that the journey exponentially builds and the greatest rewards come to those completing the final mile.
“2025 will be a year like no other; it will be dynamic, historic, fast, event-packed and extraordinary… it is a really big year of transition from the old to the new… and that’s energetic too”
― Pam Gregory, Astrologer
My intention is to offer you:
Getting really clear on your future Vision and direction, and what you wish to create in 2025, via our initial One-to-One session. (If you have recently had a One-to-One session with me and have already attained that clarity you may credit your investment in that session against this programme.) The Universe literally starts to reorganise itself in response to your Intention, so you are opening to the power of Infinite intelligence and metaphysical magic when you fully see, feel and consistently energise, your Vision of expansion. Imagine your achievements in 2025 (and beyond) way surpassing anything you may have manifested in the past!
Holding the space for you to align fully to your Soul purpose, step powerfully into Service and allow Divine Guidance to inspire you to create ever-greater gifts to the world, including a myriad of ways for you to hold that vertical alignment via your daily practice. Your creativity could manifest as a new product or service, an event you wish to stage, an enhanced way of communicating your gifts to the world or an evolution in your heart-leadership material. Together we will also ensure that you are fully valued, honoured and appreciated in terms of material realm wealth flowing to you in abundance, in return for your gifts.
How to deal with that negative, destructive little voice (which we all experience) that frequently pops in to question, mock, belittle and generally attempt to scupper your plans. Mindful always that this ‘voice’ can manifest in the form of Naysayers (often close loved ones) who, at some level, would prefer you to remain safe and small.
Offering you the support system to ensure that you transcend/dissolve all blocks (like doubt or procrastination or old self-sabotage patterns creeping in), and complete on manifesting the first stepping stone of your future Vision into 3D reality by the end of the 90 day programme, including all practical assistance with contacts, marketing and promotion which it is appropriate for me to give you.
The opportunity to celebrate our collective success with an end of programme celebration party at my home.
Your investment in the programme is £900 ~ payable via an initial deposit of £300 and the balance via bank transfer prior to your first One to One (and in any event no later than 28 February 2025). If you have invested in a One to One Mentoring session with me during the past 6 months you may credit the cost against the programme.
Places are offered on a first-come first-served basis and the deposit is non-refundable. (NB I do reserve the right to refuse participation if I do not feel it is appropriate for you or the group at the current time, in which case your deposit will be refunded.) There will be a maximum of 8 participants on the programme + myself = 9 in total.
NB If PayPal indicates that the programme is fully booked please email me: rachel[at]rachelelnaugh.com with ‘90 days’ in the subject title to join the waitlist (and/or to be notified of future programmes) ~ as places can often open up unexpectedly, for a myriad of reasons.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
The Finer Detail:
In paying the deposit you commit to paying the balance, in full, before your first One to One session and in any event by 28 February 2025. If you do not pay the balance by that date your place will be offered to the waitlist. There is tremendous power in fully committing to any mentoring arrangement at the outset, hence why I do not offer a ‘payment by instalments’ option, nor ‘contra-deals’.
I will arrange your initial One-to-One session as soon as is mutually convenient in February/early March 2025, which will take place via Zoom on a weekday afternoon. This initial session is typically around 90 minutes but please allow 2 hours in case we over-run. (If you have already had an initial One-to-One in the previous 9 months this first session will be a c60 minute catch-up, to establish where you are in your progress and life journey.)
There will be two subsequent online One-to-One sessions with me in March/April and April/May 2025 (which we will schedule at the end of your initial meeting) – each one lasting around 60 minutes.
The group element of ’90 days to Transformation’ will commence on Tuesday 11 March 2025 via a Zoom meeting at 12:30pm UK time. There will be 12 subsequent Zoom meetings, every Tuesday at 12:30pm UK time until the final session on 3 June 2025. These meetings form a key part of the programme, so your participation is conditional on your attendance – emergencies and pre-booked holidays/existing commitments aside! Therefore please schedule these sessions into your diary and kindly do not make other arrangements for these days/times. (The sessions begin promptly at 12:30pm and are designed to run for one hour but I humbly request that you do not schedule anything for the 30minutes afterwards, in case we over-run. People arriving late or having to ‘dash off early’ is very disruptive to the energy of the group; there is great wisdom and discipline in us collectively holding space to fully hear from each participant on their progress and any challenges they may be experiencing.)
A Telegram group will be created on the same day (please ensure that we are contacts on Telegram so I can add you to the group). Please note that the intention of this Telegram Group is to support the programme – so I benevolently request that you ensure all posts into the group are relevant to the programme and to our collective journey. Good news posts and inspiration are always welcome but I do ask that you refrain from posting unrelated content – especially anything pertaining to messages of ‘Doom and Gloom’!
Please note that my mentoring is a mix of practical 3D realm Business and Marketing guidance gained from a lifetime in business, combined with all the metaphysical principles I have learned as I have opened to my path of Spiritual transformation over the past decades. To read my full biography please go to: www.rachelelnaugh.com/home/biography
Having been in the corporate world for many years I am not a fan of rigid structures/agendas, preferring instead to follow my intuition on where the group sessions need to flow. I utilise both Western and Eastern astrology as part of this mix – therefore I ask for your Date of Birth, Place of Birth and Time of Birth. If you do not believe in astrology, nor the existence of benevolent higher-dimensional guiding energies, then this programme is not for you!
I also promise to offer you all practical support wherever I can including introductions to contacts, together with practical marketing support to my followers where your product/service offer is appropriate to my audience.
The end of programme celebration will take place at my home in England on the late afternoon/evening of Saturday 7 June 2025, and will include a Cacao Ceremony and sharing circle (along with food and refreshments afterwards) and is for group participants only. Please see this celebration as a pilgrimage which is likely to require an overnight stay locally on the Saturday night.
And finally:
Please be aware that, as a ‘Shadow Worker’, my programmes frequently bring deeply embedded limiting beliefs and unresolved trauma into the Light. This is a good thing – as it is these subconscious blocks which can play havoc with our ability to manifest our desires joyfully and effortlessly. Together, via the Zoom sessions, I will assist you in becoming fully aware of how this ‘Shadow’ side can manifest via strong fight/flight responses – along with the formation of ‘Karpman Drama Triangles’. (It is a common trick of the Ego to make others ‘wrong’ – and then use that as an excuse to renege on the commitment to yourself and to the group.) None of us are helpless Victims and we do not need to be Rescued by anyone! Rather, this programme is all about witnessing and appreciating the Light of each individual. So, together, we will establish a vigilant awareness of these dynamics – plus learn some basic tools which will enable us to ride the wave of this trauma-rooted energy if it arises – rather than allowing it to sabotage both ourselves and the group. ‘Fully feeling is fully healing’ and the more we can clear these ‘blocks to flow’ the more effortless we will find our ability to manifest miracles going forward.
If you are uncertain whether or not to participate, may I suggest that you use the I Ching* to offer you Divine Guidance in response to the question: “What if I join the Rachel Elnaugh-LOVE ‘90 days to Transformation’ programme?”
* If you are not acquainted with the I Ching as a form of Divination here is a simple guide:
- Find three identical coins.
- Write the question “What if I join the Rachel Elnaugh-LOVE ‘90 days to Transformation’ programme?” at the top of a piece of paper.
- Hold the three coins at your heart while you contemplate this question, taking 8 long slow deep breaths and dropping in to your heart.
- Then do a sum in your mind (e.g. what is 12 x 13 ?) – to bring your left brain into play.
- Throw the 3 coins.
- Each throw will give you a reading creating a line, each of which builds into a 6 line Hexagram, from the base upwards (see example below). If any of the 6 throws is all heads, or all tails, it is a ‘changing line’ which will create a second Hexagram.
The example below assumes that heads are Queens (most coins still have the Queen depicted on them) and therefore are Yin. If you have three coins with the King (or other male figure) depicted on them, then heads = Yang!
Sample reading:
If you do not have a book showing you the meaning of the Hexagrams, a good place to look up the meaning of your reading is: https://www.jamesdekorne.com/GBCh/GBCh.htm
The interpretations in bold below come from the Richard Wilhelm translation book, combined with my understanding of the divination.
The above sample reading is Hexagram 46 “Pushing Upward” – representing earth over wood. This is like a seed in the earth pushing upwards through the fertile earth, towards the light. ‘Pushing upward has supreme success. One must see the great man. Fear not. Departure towards the South brings good fortune.’
It has one changing line (at the base) which changes the reading into the Hexagram 11 “T’ai / Peace” which represents Earth over Heaven. This is like the great Father supporting the great Mother; the masculine and feminine in right relationship. ‘Peace. The small departs, the great approaches. Good fortune. Success.’
So this would be an extremely benevolent reading – the Universe guiding you to join the programme!
It is well worth fully reading and meditating upon the interpretations of the Hexagrams which you throw as, even if not so encouraging, will give you clues as to why you are not likely to benefit from joining this programme at the current time.
If you have any queries please email me Rachel [at] rachelelnaugh.com being sure to include: 90 days in the email subject title.