PROSPERITY is the acclaimed 21 day video programme (based on Rachel Elnaugh’s book PROSPERITY published on 23 April 2016).
Here Rachel talks about how the programme was created…
And here are some of the testimonials from people who have completed the programme…
“Thank you Rachel for what you do. Your openness and courage. I joined the Prosperity group when it launched. I had a one-to-one session with you as well. Which helped to cement things further. I do your chant every single day. And I love it. I do the putting bills in the Magickal Bill Box. And it works. I no longer have fear around money and money has been coming to me from unexpected sources. For the first time in an extremely long time I feel comfortable moving into each month. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Would you like to magically manifest more money?
Is money a constant worry or niggling concern?
Are you struggling with too many bills and too much debt?
Do you find yourself overworked, overwhelmed & overcommitted?
We’ve all been taught that we have to work hard to make money, and we’ve accepted the story that money has to be a struggle. In my experience this is simply NOT TRUE! Otherwise the vast majority of the world’s population who toil each day would be immensely rich. Let me take you on a 21 day journey of discovery – based on a lifetime’s training around business and money – which is designed to completely transform your vibration around money, allowing it to magically show up in your life!
“A very interesting, thought provoking course that helped focus my mind on my own energy around money and prosperity. I really looked forward to receiving the daily videos and learning from Rachel. The course helped me to shift negative energy blocks, put positive things in place to open the flow of abundance and understand how important it is to give myself a Prosperity MOT regularly. A very enjoyable course.” – Sandra Owen
“The Prosperity Programme is a deeply transformative experience for people who want to think outside of their habitual thinking and so allow more money and abundance to flow into their lives. I highly recommend this programme and the great gems found in every video session.” – Diana Somers
This new Online Video programme is based on my sell-out success book PROSPERITY (you’ll receive a PDF version of the full book FREE on joining). I’ve put together a 21 day programme of the key teachings – which you’ll receive each day for 21 days – specifically designed to raise your vibration around money. When you shift your point of attraction, you’ll be amazed at how much money magically starts showing up!
“The “PROSPERITY” programme is really useful as a bridge between old paradigms and new perspectives. If you commit to it, it will help you to shift your perspectives and beliefs about yourself and how money functions in your life.” – Altazar Rossiter
In WEEK ONE I share with you the metaphysical secrets of Prosperity which will transform your way of thinking and your relationship with money. Every day I give you practical tools and assignments which will shift your energy. By the end of this first week you will start seeing signs of change show up in your life simply because you have raised your ‘prosperity vibration’!
In WEEK TWO we look at the shadow side of money, the limiting beliefs and the reasons why you may be inadvertently blocking the flow of Prosperity and self-sabotaging without even realising it! I gently help you to take the handbrake off so that you can start moving forward – like a snowball rolling down a hill, gaining momentum naturally and effortlessly.
In WEEK THREE I help you create the material realm ‘golden chalice’ which will help money show up in the material realm – even while you sleep. These are the simple-to-implement business tips and marketing techniques drawn from my decades of business experience which will enable you to create the channels through which money can flow to you more easily.
“I have really enjoyed listening and watching these videos which have been uplifting and eye opening at times – confronting a topic that in the past I wouldn’t have wanted to face and didn’t like facing, and in the past would have got upset about. I felt held with it all and could really look into my patterns and how these were affecting both my relationships with people and money which are both now improving as I’m finding it much easier to receive and keep hold of what is mine but letting go at the same time like a flowing river. I’m deeply grateful for Rachel’s work and inspiration. Rachel’s work is very uplifting ave triggers patterns and helps to change them. Many thanks.” – Louisa Hoy
You can watch the videos over and over at your leisure – there’s no time limit – and each video is short and sweet making the programme super-easy to complete, no matter how busy you are.
Here’s Intuition and Guidance Expert Fiona Radman’s feedback on PROSPERITY (she’s also a member of the Prosperity network):
Rachel Elnaugh is the award winning entrepreneur who created the market leading experiences brand Red Letter Days at the age of 24 – with nothing more than an idea – and built it into a £multi-million turnover company. She starred as a ‘Dragon’ in the first two series of BBCTV’s Dragons’ Den, is a published author, inspirational speaker and award winning business mentor. She’s also the co-creator of the digital publishing platform and marketing portal for evolutionaries SourceTV.
Sign up for PROSPERITY: HOW TO MAGICALLY MANIFEST MORE MONEY today using the special automated PayPal button below and you’ll automatically start receiving the programme within the hour (scroll all the way down to complete the fields):
“Do it do it. You won’t regret it at all. It opens you up in ways you just wouldn’t know. It’s easy to listen and to incorporate. Thank you Rachel. I really enjoyed them.” – MH Oxfordshire