Business Mentor
“Yesterday I had a wonderful mentoring session with Rachel Elnaugh. I missed her time on Dragons’ Den (no tv) but I was lucky enough to watch Rachel speak while I was at the European Sustainability Academy in Crete in October and was so impressed by the way she effortlessly switched between clearcut business advice for ‘now’ to the finalists and a big picture vision for the future. Something that is a hugely valuable skill in today’s fast-moving, complex world where it is so easy to get lost in doing. No commitment to a year long mastermind, no quid pro quo, no mutual backscratching required. Just 90 (120 actually as I nattered on) minutes of insight and brilliant advice. Thank you Rachel for making your experience available at a very accessible sum. Truly the Universe does conspire to give you what you need.” – Jenny Andersson Business and Brand Strategist
Over the past decade I’ve been invited to help many entrepreneurs on their business journey, and as a result I’ve learned a huge amount about the dynamics of what distinguishes a successful entrepreneur from one who will struggle and ultimately fail. In particular, the mindset needed to attract prosperity and create success. My mentoring is of particular value to entrepreneurs opening up to higher levels of consciousness and enlightenment around how their business can be a vehicle for transformation in the lives of others.
Here’s what Internet Marketing Expert David Poole had to say about his one to one mentoring session with me in July 2019:
“I needed to work out some stuff in my head, mainly about my relationship with money. I spent an hour on the phone with Rachel Elnaugh who helped me understand where I’m at and helped me unblock some stuff which had been troubling me for years… I had a huge lightbulb moment as a result of something she said! Rachel listened more than she talked, plus looked at my website, content and social media activity before giving me some really sensible advice about why some of my stuff doesn’t move quite as fast as I want it to. Watch for some big changes! Time and money very well spent. – Stefan Thomas, author ‘Business Networking for Dummies’
My One to One Mentoring Sessions are designed to really help you step-change your thinking around your life purpose, your prosperity and understand what is causing any problems in your money flow. (Just by listening to you talk about your problems/issues it’s often immediately clear to me where the block is.) Sometimes when you are putting huge amounts of effort into trying to push open the door, all that is really needed is for you to turn the key and, once unlocked, the door opens effortlessly. It’s all about finding where your foot is on the brake.
These sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes (but to be honest we tend to go on for as long as is needed to get you to a breakthrough). They are usually conducted via Zoom video webinar – so that we can look at your website and any other collateral we need to together on screen – as well as record the session for you to keep.
“Thank you for an amazingly helpful private mentoring session. Within days of scoping a webinar marketing strategy with you I miraculously received an invitation to be a guest on the webinars run by the leading EFT thought leader in my industry.” – Susan Kennard, Energy Healer
It’s a mix of my 30+ years marketing and business experience combined with understanding of the energetics around money and flow designed to give you clarity, alignment and clear action steps to implement.
One to One Mentoring Session
A sixty to ninety minute one to one mentoring session with Rachel, usually via Zoom video conferencing, to allow Rachel to get to understand you and your business, what you wish to manifest and any blocks which may be standing in your way. The session is designed to give you clarity and strategic direction, plus practical advice and guidance on how to achieve your goals. You’ll receive a recording of the session so you can refer to it again and again if you wish.
Your investment is £250
“When Rachel suggested that I put my personal brand at the heart of my business I was hesitant. Up to that point I had thought I needed to present a professional ‘big corporate image’ to my clients, plus I didn’t want to come across as an egotist. But the transformation was incredible! New clients started to flood in, and as a result of the personal programmes I started delivering I was able to buy my dream car last year. Rachel also encouraged me to face my fear of public speaking; as a result of getting ‘on the circuit’ I’ve been asked to speak at numerous conferences. From nowhere, I’ve just been voted the 22nd most influential person in Dentistry in the UK. I can honestly say that Rachel’s input has transformed my life.” – Kevin Rose – Dental Leadership and Business Development Mentor
If your financial tide is completely out and cashflow does not permit you to pay £250 I am happy to accept a payment of whatever is affordable for you right now – and the balance when your finances are back ‘in flow’.
Simply send your nominated payment to:
(I make this offer in trust that you will honour my value as best you can right now and reserve the right to decline the booking and refund your payment.)
One to One Mentoring Site-Visit
A two to three hour one to one mentoring session with Rachel, on site at your home or office/business, to allow Rachel to get to understand you and what is going on for you energetically (including a feng shui assessment of your space), what you wish to manifest and any blocks which may be standing in your way. The session is designed to give you clarity and strategic direction, plus practical advice and guidance on how to achieve your goals.You’ll receive a follow up recommendations summary and you may record the session if you wish. This special offer includes travel to mainland UK addresses within 200 miles of Rachel’s base in Bakewell, Derbyshire. If you live more than 200 miles away please email for a quote to rachel [at] with MENTORING in the subject title.
Special Introductory Offer £888 – pay a deposit of £333 now to book and the balance before your session
To pay the deposit please use the PayPal button below:
Three Month Intensive One to One Mentoring Programme
- An initial two hour one to one mentoring session with Rachel, usually via Zoom video conferencing, to allow Rachel to get to understand you and your business, what you wish to manifest and any blocks which may be standing in your way. The session is designed to give you clarity and strategic direction, plus practical advice and guidance on how to achieve your goals.
- A thirty minute follow up one week later to see what has come up since the first session, and to agree on an action plan for the three month programme.
- Three further scheduled one hour one to one follow up sessions with Rachel, one each month for three months, to assess your progress and any blocks which may be appearing along your path.
- Unlimited email and telephone support during the three month period, as any issues arise which you need Rachel’s input on.
- Practical support, for example, introductions to contacts from Rachel’s address book or marketing of your product/service to her tribe of friends and followers and across social media where appropriate.
- You’ll receive recordings of all the sessions.
Your investment is £2,500
– pay a deposit of £500 and the balance is payable by invoice.
I also offer more in-depth Business Review and One to One sessions – designed for more established businesses, either if you are on the trajectory of growth and would like the input of someone who took their business from nothing to a £18million turnover market leading brand, or conversely if you are experiencing major issues and would like the experience of someone who has been through the meltdown of a £multi-million company.
I am happy to review your website and/or business plan or whatever other collateral you need me to review in advance of our session, listen to your current position and the issues you are facing and then give you my wisdom – based on my own entrepreneurial journey as well as helping many hundreds of others on their path to success. A great mentor of my own once said to me ‘they’re paying for your wisdom, not your time Rachel’ so our session will take as long as it takes, but in my experience will typically last around 90 minutes.
I’ll then follow up the session a week or so later with a further 30 minute session to give additional clarity once ideas have had the chance to settle.
I normally conduct these one to one sessions by webinar but if you are happy to visit me in Bakewell or meet in London I am happy to do the meeting face to face. The outcome for you will be absolute clarity around your strategy and direction going forwards.
Your investment in a Business Strategy Review and One to One Mentoring Session is £900
To book please use the special automated PayPal button below:
I do hope that I can help you on your business journey.
Rachel x
Rachel Elnaugh, award winning entrepreneur, co-creator of global empowerment brand SourceTV, creator of market leading experiences brand Red Letter Days, co-producer of the acclaimed 12.12.12 One World London event, star of the first two series of BBCTV’s Dragons’ Den, business speaker, author of ‘Business Nightmares’ and award winning business mentor.