Business Speaker
“I can honestly say after hearing Rachel perform once again, I have no hesitation to recommend her for any event where you need an inspirational speaker from a business background…” Cindy-Michelle Waterfield, Managing Director of ‘The Speakers Company’

“Not only did you storm it at the Black Pearl Dinner, you won the hearts and minds of every single person in that room” Tanya Rennick, The Oyster Club, London
Rachel Elnaugh is an accomplished business speaker, having been on the professional speaking circuit since her rise to fame as a ‘Dragon’ in the first two series of BBCTV’s acclaimed business show Dragons’ Den in 2005 – successfully delivering over four hundred speeches, events, seminars, workshops and presentations to thousands of business owners and entrepreneurs both in the UK and the US, Europe and Asia.
In this early video, at the very start of her speaking career, Rachel talks about her book ‘Business Nightmares’ at a conference of the same name aimed at small business owners at the British Library in London back in 2006:
Here’s what Cindy-Michelle Waterfield, Managing Director of ‘The Speakers Company’ said about Rachel’s ‘Entrepreneurial Journey’ talk at the EVENT show:
“Just to give you some feedback on Rachel… The organizers were over the moon with her performance. They had to turn people away from the auditorium as it was full to capacity and there was a good number outside trying to listen in too. I personally had to leave the auditorium so that someone else could get in, so joined with others outside who, like myself, were all glued to her words. This also allowed me an excellent opportunity to listen to the comments made by her audience as they came out. They were all positive and included phrases like: ‘she is so genuine and sincere…’ ‘absolutely inspiring…’ ‘amazing story…’ ‘you can see she is absolutely passionate and authentic…’. One of the organizers of the event commented on how they could feel Rachel’s emotion and how they could see her almost having tears in her eyes at one stage when she was retelling her journey. One of our team, (who is usually cynical as he has heard so many speakers over the years) commentated on how gifted Rachel is at telling her story and that he felt she actually lit up on the podium and positively glowed! Rachel’s audience were a mixture of business owners linked to the events industry and event organizers for event companies and commercial companies. Rachel thought she had a bit of a tough audience and after investigating further it actually turned out that many in the audience dropped by our stand just to tell us how riveted they were to her story and was simply awestruck throughout her presentation. I can honestly say after hearing her perform once again, I have no hesitation to recommend her for any event where you need an inspirational speaker from a business background. She was an absolute pleasure to work with and have no hesitation to do it again and look forward to doing so. As one bureau to another, Rachel is definitely one of those rare gems of the platform that won’t let you down.”
Rachel was trained in presentation skills by Nicholas Janni at Olivier Mythodrama, in performance and stage presence by Geoff Owen, in projection skills by voice coach Alice Tierney and has been coached by award winning inspirational speaker Rob Snow and the inimitable prolific speaker, ‘Beermat Entrepreneur’ Mike Southon.
She has undertaken events for a diverse variety of clients including the CBI, the Conservative Party Conference, Scottish Parliament, TEDx, the Institute of Directors, Harvard University, HSBC, John Lewis, Marketing Week, Cass Business School, Oxford Debating Society and the Mind Body Spirit Festival – as well as speaking at many schools and universities. She is a regular speaker at The Great British Business Show.
Rachel also made her debut as a stand-up comedienne at The Comedy Store on 22 November 2010 in a charity event for London Business Forum which raised £12,000.
As well as her acclaimed ‘Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster’ keynote, Rachel speaks on a variety of business related topics and always tailors her presentation to the client and the brief for the event. Past subjects have included:
- Business Alchemy
- Magnetic Marketing
- Business Nightmares
- “The Future is Feminine”
- Surviving Adversity
- The Game of Business and How To Play It
Over the past decade Rachel has increasingly become involved in the metaphysical sector and her new themes include:
- From Dragons’ Den to Business Zen
- Higher Conscious Business Creation
- Corporate Healing
Rachel is also an accomplished Awards Host including presenting the 2008 Strategic Risk Awards for 1000 people at the Porter Tun Rooms in London, the 2012 KEiBA Awards in Kent to an audience of 450 and both judging and presenting the Free2Network Awards to an audience of 200 in November 2013.
As part of her involvement in any event Rachel always helps event organisers, where requested, to promote their event both via her database of fans and followers and her 10k+ Twitter following, as well as via any Press or PR interviews required of her either on the day or in advance of the event.